Article 14 of the Indian constitution says everyone is equal in the eyes of law that is Right to Equality. Give some real life examples showing right to equality in everyday life .​

Article 14 of the Indian constitution says everyone is equal in the eyes of la…

IS The system below was at equilibrium and then some O2 gas was added to the container. What change will occur for the system? 2SO2(g) + O₂(g) = 2SO3(g) + 198 kJ A. The reaction will shift toward the reactants (left) and increase the concentrations of SO₂ and O₂. B. The reaction will shift toward the reactants (left) and decrease the concentration of SO3. C. The reaction will shift toward the products (right) and decrease the concentration of SO2. D. The reaction will shift toward the products (right) and increase the concentration of SO2.

IS The system below was at equilibrium and then some O2 gas was added to the…

Question Refer to the articles “The Value of Money” and “Making Money” in your Money, Money, Money magazine for complete versions of these texts. How are the overall structures of “The Value of Money” and “Making Money” different? Drag the correct answer into the box

Question Refer to the articles “The Value of Money” and “Making Money” in you…

Select the correct answer. Mohammed is citing an Internet article about supermarket access in low-income areas in his research paper. Which citation is correct? O A. O B. O C. O D. Rhone, Alana. "Updated Food Access Research Atlas Now Maps Changes in Low-Income and Low-Supermarket Access Areas in 2019. supermarket-access-areas-in-2019/. Amber Waves, 17 June 2021 Alana Rhone. Updated Food Access Research Atlas Now Maps Changes in Low-Income and Low-Supermarket Access Areas in 2019. "Amber Waves." June 17, 2021. changes-in-low-income-and-low-supermarket-access-areas-in-2019/ Rhone, Alana. "Updated Food Access Research Atlas Now Maps Changes in Low-Income and Low-Supermarket Access Areas in 2019." Amber Waves, 17 June 2021, changes-in-low-income-and-low-supermarket-access-areas-in-2019/ Alana Rhone. "Updated Food Access Research Atlas Now Maps Changes in Low-Income and Low-Supermarket Access Areas in 2019." Amber Waves, June 17, 2021, changes-in-low-income-and-low-supermarket-access-areas-in-2019/​

Select the correct answer. Mohammed is citing an Internet article about superm…

Describe the translation in g(x) = x ^ 2 - 8 as it relates to the graph of the parent function The graph of g(x) = x ^ 2 - 8 is the translation of the graph of the parent function ___ units ___

Describe the translation in g(x) = x ^ 2 - 8 as it relates to the graph of the…

Problem B.1: Temperature of the Sun (6 Points) Assume a constant density p of 1.4 x 103 kg-m³ for the entire Sun. The ideal gas law states that pV = NkT with the pressure p, the volume V, the number of particles N, the Boltzmann constant k (1.38 x 10-23 m²kg s 2K-¹) and the temperature T. (a) Show that the temperature T at a certain pressure p is given by T (p) pm pk with the average particle mass m within the Sun (1.02 x 10-27 kg). (b) Explain why the Sun must be in a state of hydrostatic equilibrium: dp dr = -g(r)p (c) Find the gravitational acceleration g(r) at a radius r from the Sun's center. (d) Use the condition of hydrostatic equilibrium to show that the pressure p inside the Sun at a radius of R/4 from the centre is about 1.26 x 10¹4 Pa, where R is the Sun's radius of 0.7 x 10⁹ m. (e) Determine the Sun's temperature at a radius of R/4. Why is this result only a broad estimate?​

Problem B.1: Temperature of the Sun (6 Points) Assume a constant density p of …