The radius of a circle is 33 feet. What is the circle's circumference?

The radius of a circle is 33 feet. What is the circle's circumference?

The circumference is :

↬ 207.24 ft


To calculate the circumference, we will use the formula C = 2πr.

  • C = Circumference
  • π = 3.14
  • r = radius

Diagram for better understanding

[tex]\setlength{\unitlength}{1cm}\begin{picture}(0,0)\thicklines\qbezier(2.3,0)(2.121,2.121)(0,2.3)\qbezier(-2.3,0)(-2.121,2.121)(0,2.3)\qbezier(-2.3,0)(-2.121,-2.121)(0,-2.3)\qbezier(2.3,0)(2.121,-2.121)(-0,-2.3)\put(0,0){\line(1,0){2.3}}\put(0.5,0.3){\bf\large 33\ ft}\end{picture}[/tex]

Now plug in the values. We shouldn't forget to use 3.14 for pi.

[tex]\bold{Circumference = 2 \times 3.14 \times 33}[/tex]

[tex]\bold{Circumference = 6.28 \times 33}[/tex]

[tex]\bold{Circumference = 207.24\:ft}[/tex]

Hence, the circumference is 207.24 ft

If the radius of a circle is 33 feet, the circle's circumference is 207.24 feet.

Given: Radius of a circle, r = 33 feet

and taking π = 3.14

The circumference of the circle can be calculated using the formula,

C =  2πr.......(i)

where, C ⇒ circumference of a circle, and

            r ⇒ radius of a circle

Therefore, putting the given values in equation (i), we get,

C = 2 x 3.14 x 33

C = 207.24 feet

Thus, if the radius of a circle is 33 feet, the circle's circumference is 207.24 feet.

Read more about the circumference of a circle on :

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